The Go Master

There has been a lot of web chatter recently about the release of the film, The Go Master, about the life of Wu Qingyuan (Go Seigen). [not to be confused with the older, Go Masters
AnotherSai: HI EVERYONE!
Hue: Please don't yell.
Hue: You are.
Hue: All caps. It is hurting my ears.
AnotherSai: ok... sorry... ???
AnotherSai: Go is great!
HikaruHead: I love Go.
AnotherSai: How long have you been playing?
HikaruHead: Six months, prolly.
AnotherSai: Where are you from?
BigSmug: Please keep topic on Go. See TOS.
AnotherSai: Sorry... umm... Anyone want to play a
quick game?
BigSmug: Please do not make requests directly in room.
-After the Game-
AnotherSai: My opponent, Loco666, escaped on me!
BigSmug: Please do not publicly denounce anyone.
AnotherSai: Come on! What is this?
-And Later Still-
AnotherSai: ok, it's getting late
AnotherSai: I think I'm going to go to sleep.
AnotherSai: Good night everyone
Holyness: Please do not press Enter key so often.
Flooding is against TOS.
AnotherSai: Flooding? What is that?
Holyness: No trolling.
AnotherSai: What? Trolling! Flooding! No capital letters.
No game requests on a game server. What is this place?
Next you will tell me I have only 50 characters to
type in a byo-yomi period![You have been booted from server. Have a nice day!]
Labels: Go
In GO, it is noble to learn the art by oneself. Yet noble and wise do not always belong together. While listening to a Audiogolessons lecture, see post, Guo Juan stated that Dan level players hit a sticking point because because, in her opinion, they learned on their own and eventually this catches up to them. She created a series of lectures to go back to the beginning and teach the basics and bring the player all the way to the top levels. Learning from books is the most cost affordable solution, though when one has a question, one cannot ask, "Book, why can't I play a kakari here instead?" One can ask, and if one gets an answer, there are other issues at hand. Most importantly, the errors in play themselves must be found and the skill must be guided. The teacher, or master, has been a large part of most traditions, including Go, going back beyond recorded history. The teacher is the one that provide this guidance.
NAME | RANK | NICK | 1 HR | 1.5 HR | SGF | WEB | |
Alexander Dinerchtein | 1P | Breakfast | $35 | $20 | link | ||
Guo Juan | 5P | guojuan | 35€ | 50€ | 23€ | link | |
Li Ang | 3P | Lyonweiqi | link | ||||
Shen Jing | 2P | Jennie | 25€ | 20€ | link | ||
Dragos Bajenaru | 6D1 | toxxicu | 15€ | link | |||
Vit Brunner | 4D | Tasuki | 10€ | link | |||
Cornel Burzo | 6D1 | Cornel | 15€ | 30€ 2 hr | 15€ | link | |
Carmen | 5D | Soulmate | 5€ | ||||
Cho Seokbin | 7D1 | bin7674 | 20€ | 8€ | |||
HF | 6D | HFL | 13€ | 18€ | 10€ | ||
Li Yue | 9D | liyue | 15€ | 22€ | 20€ | link | |
Christian Pop | 7D1 | Solaris | 30€ 2 Hr | link | |||
Xu Jian | 6D | yesniu | $25 2 HR | ||||
Yuan Yuan | 5D | CGA4DAN | $10 | $7 | |||
Will Zhang | 6D | willzhang | $25 | link | |||
Labels: Go
Labels: Go
Contrary to the modern perception, Frankenstein
Labels: Go
Labels: Go
Labels: Anime
Labels: Go
Labels: Go
The mandala is very complex and a detailed explanation of its parts would be too lengthy for a go blog. The mandala is a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional mandala, which displays an outer fortress which represent the inner cosmos.
During the construction of the mandala we put other, more mundane matters to the side. I played very little Go and had no time to study.
Here (above), at the entrance to the gate of the fortress, two deer listen to the Buddha and his teachings. The Buddha had required that no image be made of him and so in early Buddhism we find his represent by the Dharma Wheel, which stands between these two deer. The Buddha gave his first teaching in the Deer Park, and so this may have some significance as well.
Here you see the corner of the fortress and the intricate detail (above)
Day 4-The completed mandala. Everyone gathered around to look at it one last time.
To demonstrate the impermanent, transient nature of our existence, the pain-staking effort of the mandala is washed away with brush, and all that is left is the impression in the mind. A ceremony of chanting followed.
Following the chanting, the monks proceeded to the river to cast the sand into the water, allowing it to disperse among the elements, and manifest of something else in the future.
The ceremony and serenity of the sound of tools working and calm minds of the monks had a strong affect of me personally. My usual practice of meditation saw increased benefits as I approached each session with a calmer mind. The most surprising affect was using this calm mind in games of Go.
I don't believe I have lost a game of Go since this ceremony. Compare this with previous periods where I could have stated, "I don't believe I have won....."
I played a game against a 25k on Orobaduk, with a surprising win. I had a big loss against a 22k player on IGS, and taking advantage of a mistake in the endgame, forced a come back forfeit. Finally, in an effort to rid myself the ? in my rank on KGS, I played against the 23k Liberty bot with a 3 stone handicap, making it a 26k game. Thinking myself around 28-29k, I expected to lose. I was very surprised to win by 29.5. My next game was an even game against the 28k bot, which I expected to lose, but won by the large margin of 94.5. The most surprising win was a 6 handicap game against the 13k GnuGo program. I won by 3.5 and have not yet removed the shocked look from my face. With the ? behind my rank, the KGS program tends to inflate the ranking. As of today my ranking is 14k?. There is no real meaning behind this. When my rank loses the ?, I am sure it will balance out at around 27k. The point of placing this story in with the mandala is that my rank too is transient, and will soon return to the sea with the sand.